Public Speaking Anxiety Workshops In Melbourne

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public speaking anxiety workshopsDon’t miss out on the next Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety course of 2023, call now on 0429 883671 to enquire or book

Note: Groups run over 8 weeks from 7:00 — 9.30 pm

Classes run throughout the year, so simply contact us by phone or email to see when the next course with availability is starting up.

2024 DATES

These are the latest dates when our public speaking anxiety workshops begin in 2024. Our public speaking anxiety workshops are run over eight consecutive weeks.


Wednesday 17th  April 2024 – Wednesday 19th June 2024

Thursday 7th March 2024 -Thursday 25th April 2024 

Thursday  2nd May – Thursday 20th June 2024


Full fee is $800 ( you may get back $276.80 of this fee from Medicare if you attend all 8 sessions as the rebate is $34.60 per session)

The concession rate is $500 (you get back $276.80 of this fee from Medicare if you attend all 8 sessions as the rebate is $34.60 per session)

Regular public speaking workshops are commonplace in Melbourne. This one is explicitly tailored to meet the needs of those who experience debilitating public speaking anxiety. That might be when participating in meetings and/or giving presentations.

  • Designed for people who experience severe anxiety/panic
  • Supportive group environment
  • Run by a clinical psychologist with over 25 years experience and professional training in the treatment of anxiety, panic and phobias
  • More affordable than many other courses  (Medicare rebates are available so $800 course only costs you approximately $500 at the time of writing)

Fee includes:

  • 8 x &15min  weekly group sessions
  • Course materials

Note: Groups run over 8 weeks from 7:00 pm — 9.30 pm

Groups not held on public holidays.


Group Sessions are usually held at:

Hawthorn Community House. 32 Henry St, Hawthorn.

Melbourne Clinical Psychologist, Catherine Madigan, understands that some people are more than just a little bit anxious about public speaking.

You have a social phobia and therefore you might be able to get a Medicare rebate for your individual and group consultations by consulting your general practitioner to see if you are eligible for a mental health care plan.

You dread public speaking, its not just a fear. You try to avoid public speaking. You may be absent from: school, work , university on days when  you will be required to present to others, or  participate in small groups or training days. You may have chosen your university subjects on the basis of whether presentations were required. You may have chosen a career path that had little public speaking. You might be self medicating your anxiety with alcohol or drugs.

Overcome your fear of public speaking

Catherine will meet with you on one before the overcome fear of public speaking course to ensure that group treatment is appropriate for you. All prices listed about Medicare or health care rebates were correct at the time of writing. No responsibility is taken by us if these amounts or the conditions have since changed.

Some people may require individual therapy prior to doing a group to overcome public speaking fear.  You are advised to do an individual assessment session prior to commencing a group. This costs $190 ( Medicare refunds $128.40 leaving you out of pocket $62.60). Concession card holders are bulk billed for the individual sessions.

Individual sessions and 2 day weekend courses are also available.

Individual session are $190, Medicare refunds $128.40 so out of pocket only $62.60. . Concession card holders bulk billed for individual sessions. Catherine conducts public speaking anxiety courses in Melbourne throughout the year.

The individual session is 50 minutes and explores the factors making public speaking more or less difficult for you. We  look at how anxiety affects your ability to present, e.g. Do you blush, sweat, shake? Do have difficulty breathing, do you mumble, speak too fast, fidget, fold your arms?

Questionnaires are administered and measures taken so we can track your progress throughout the public speaking group.

Why choose this public speaking anxiety course?

The participants in our groups experience real anxiety so when you attend one of Catherine’s overcome public speaking fear courses in Melbourne you know everyone in the program knows how stressed you feel about presentations as they are suffering too.

There are other public speaking courses in Melbourne but this course is specifically targeted at people who experience more than average degree of anxiety re presenting to an audience

This overcome fear of public speaking course in Melbourne aims to get you presenting without having a panic attack or experiencing a debilitating degree of anxiety.

This course aims to get you to the point where you can :stand up, speak slowly, loudly, clearly, make eye contact with the audience and appear competent.

Many of our participants  have previously tried other public speaking courses in Melbourne but  found that these  courses were not tailored to the needs of people with a debilitating phobia, and therefore were too anxiety provoking.

The first 2 sessions teach you what you need to know to overcome your anxiety and then for the remaining 6 sessions each week you do a talk/presentation and put into practice what you have learnt in a supportive  relatively non threatening environment and get the benefit of video and written feedback.


Private health fund rebates may apply if you have extras cover. You will need to check whether you are covered for group therapy.

Medicare rebates are available for group therapy so please consult your G.P for a Mental Health Care Plan and a separate referral letter stating 6 individual and group sessions  as it may entitle you to a rebate of $260.80 in  total for the 8 group sessions

Note: There are NO REFUNDS for non-attendance at sessions or for people who cancel  within 5 working days of the course they booked for commencing. If you withdraw from a group once it has commenced there are NO REFUNDS.

You cannot get your medicare rebate for a session unless you attend the session.


Due to government regulations  changing frequently all course dates are subject to change and groups may have to stop running  if the rules change. Should a commenced course be required to cease due to government rules a partial refund will be provided. For example, if half way through the course 50% refund.

The very large room has windows which will be kept open during the session to ensure good ventilation. Hand sanitizer will be provided and naturally if participants are unwell  (e.g. coughing/sneezing etc) they should not attend class.



Phone 0429 883 671 for further information or to register for public speaking anxiety group therapy sessions.


Stop Avoiding Anxiety!

4 Good Reason You Should Call Us!

Quick appointments no matter where you live in Australia. Online shyness, public speaking and anxiety treatment available.

Minimal out of pocket expense (Medicare & Health fund Rebates)

Clinical Psychologist with approx. 25 years of experience. Also offering virtual reality exposure therapy.

Business hours, After hours and Saturdays appointments

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